Archive Editions 6

This collection picks up where Archive Editions 5 left off. We hear about how long it took Dennis and Maudie to get to their holiday hotel and what the drawback is to living in a flat.

Dennis came back from holiday richer than when he went, and it causes him a lot of thinking time wondering where to invest his good fortune. Then Dennis and Mr South look back over some old copies of The Grunty Fen Bugle.

These episodes feature such things as badgers, Dusseldorf, stoat stuff, sofas, flood-damaged custard creams and feral nuns. Oh, and listen out for a very short and quick rendition of Tha's All In Ya Loif.

Running time: Over 75 minutes of Grunty Fen vs the real world.

NOTE: These are individual tracks, available as download only. To buy the full album (download or CD) please go to Albums.

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