Dear Friends of the Fen,
My nervous sister Miss Edna and I are delighted to announce not one, not two, but THREE new things for your listening pleasure.

First up is a new Fencast for Easter, in which Mr South explains more about Easter in Grunty Fen followed by an episode from 1991 all about Easter Traditions in our favourite bleak, damp and flat location.
Click Fencast, please to go to our Podcasts page.

Next, we have Archive Editions 10 – Slapp, which poses such questions as why is there a moose in the Miscellaneous Shed?
Where does Dennis take the Christmas fender?
Why doesn’t he want his gusset scrutinised?
What new enterprise is he considering?
Archive Editions 10 features – amongst other things – the chewing-gum valve, chamois leather, a full chamber pot, the Enclosure Acts, rubbers, an Elastoplast, Queen Salote of Tonga, pipecleaners, ullage, Weasenham St Peter, knolls and gorges, mudmogs, sink tidies, chicken muck, waterboatmen, cowlicks, a Stygian morass of miasmic effluvia and a moose’s nostrils.
Click Slapp for me, please to take you to the right place in the shop to find out more.

And finally, we present Archive Editions 11 – Windy Huts, which raises various subjects including Dennis finding a key in a very unusual place, an easy-going young man called Ziggy, the etiquette of bus stops and mystical forces from beyond this realm.
Archive Editions 11 features – amongst other things – Gran’s drawer, mauve fried bread, gentleman’s fragrance, flooding, an ambulance, pot plants, Ambrose, quiffs, apologies, an angel with the monk on, lady wrestlers and Cyril’s trilby.
Click Windy Huts for me, please to take you to the Archives 11 page in the shop.
Thak you once again for supporting us here at Grunty Fen. We wouldn’t be here without you. Happy Easter!